Em"BARK"ing on a New Year!
By Carolina Cheng
BGE Office of Communications
Biomedical Graduate Education (BGE) held its fourth annual Lunar New Year Celebration on February 16, 2018 to celebrate the Year of the Dog, and it was fantastic. As one student phrased it, “This was absolutely awesome!”
Lunar New Year, also known as the Chinese New Year or Spring Festival, is a fifteen-day celebration filled with traditions, including spending time with family, making dumplings, decorating homes with paper zodiac animals, wearing red to bring good luck, and eating long noodles for longevity. The BGE Lunar New Year Celebration authentically emulated those traditions.
Let the Celebration Begin
The celebration kicked off with Xuewei Chen, MS Candidate in Biochemistry & Molecular, Bioinformatics, performing the Chinese song, “Horse Race,” on an erhu (a Chinese violin). Then, the festivities continued with six activity stations and a variety of traditional Chinese food, allowing people to get a taste of the Chinese culture.
The six activity stations led by BGE students included lantern making, tea tasting, receiving a Chinese name, language learning, dumpling making, and practicing Chinese calligraphy. Students, faculty, and staff came across all BGE programs to participate in the celebration.
Thank you to the planning committee and those who supported the event in making the Lunar New Year Celebration a success. Happy Year of the Dog! We wish you good fortune as you em“BARK” on the New Year!