Archive: External Links

122 Articles


Student Research Day 2022

On Oct. 6, BGE doctoral students shared their dissertation projects in a poster session and oral presentations. We encourage students to submit their abstracts, and we welcome…

August 12, 2022


New Program Synergizes Interdisciplinary Training in the Sciences

The National Institutes of Health has awarded Georgetown University a training grant to inspire younger students from diverse backgrounds to pursue doctorate degrees in…

March 10, 2022

External Fellowship & Award Recipients
Student Profiles

Interview with NSF GRFP Fellow Carolyn Gershman

Via GSAS: Interdisciplinary Program in Neuroscience Ph.D. candidate Carolyn Gershman speaks about her research and the NSF's Graduate Research Fellowship.…

June 28, 2021


Meet the Newest Biotech Workforce: A Spotlight on Recent Grads Starting Careers in Biotechnology

July 23, 2020


Reflections of BGE First-Gens

May 15, 2020


Science Alliance

The Science Alliance is a consortium of universities, teaching hospitals, and independent research facilities committed to advancing the careers of students and postdocs in…

November 27, 2019


Students Leave BGE Programs Inspired by Courses, Faculty and Opportunities

“Congratulations to our BGE graduates!” said Barbara Bayer, PhD, senior associate dean of BGE. “May your new scientific expertise and Georgetown values guide you through…

May 20, 2019


MCGSO Welcomes Hardy Middle School During Brain Awareness Week

For nearly a decade, students in the Medical Center Graduate Student Organization (MCGSO) have sought to instill young learners from Hardy Middle School with a sense that they…

March 29, 2019


BGE Lunar Year Celebration Offers Opportunity To Celebrate Student Diversity

As an effort to help international students feel welcomed Biomedical Graduate Education hosted their 5th annual Lunar New Year.…

February 15, 2019

Student Profiles

Mysteries of Multiple Sclerosis Progression and Recovery Subject of Doctoral Research

George Melchor Jr. (G’22) researches molecular signatures that could one day lead to developing therapeutics that help in the recovery of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS).…

January 18, 2019