Archive: External Links

124 Articles

Meet our Alumni: Elliot Cook

Meet Elliot Cook, an alumni of the Master of Science in Translational Science program with a concentration in Regulatory Science. He has participated in the Academy Health's…

December 18, 2015

Regina Hartley: Why the Best Hire might not have the Perfect Resume

When it comes to choosing “the right one for the job”, most of us would think that “the right one” is the candidate with the perfect resume. After all, isn’t that why…

December 15, 2015


2015 Faculty and Student Awards

On Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2015, the Eighth Annual GUMC Convocation brought together Georgetown University Medical Center students, faculty, and staff in a unified celebration…

November 9, 2015


Hard Science with just a Touch of Procrastination on Student Research Day

Thirty-two students in Biomedical Graduate Education (BGE) programs at Georgetown University Medical Center presented their research during the 30th Annual Student Research.…

November 2, 2015


Neuroscience Student Elected to the Board of the American Tinnitus Association

When Ted Turesky came to Georgetown to work as a research assistant for Josef Rauschecker, PhD in July 2010, he had never heard of tinnitus, the auditory phenomenon characterized…

July 27, 2015


Translational Biomedical Science Program

The goal of the translational biomedical science (TBS) program offered through the Georgetown Howard Universities Center for Clinical and Translational Science (GHUCCTS) is to…

July 14, 2015


BGE Graduates Receive Diplomas, Marking Thousands of Hours of Work

On May 15th, 2015, the Biomedical Graduate Department had the honor of rewarding its graduates for their hard work in its commencement.…

May 18, 2015


Eighth Graders Have Science on the Brain at GUMC

With the help of Bill Rebeck, Ph.D. , and several neuroscience Ph.D. students, the middle school students learned about the human brain in the most authentic way possible — by…

May 11, 2015


Lucile Adams-Campbell Honored for Life’s Work in Health Disparities

The world’s oldest and largest professional organization dedicated to advancing cancer research, the Amerian Association for Cancer Research (AACR), awarded Lucile L. Adams…

April 19, 2015


Your Brain Learns New Words By Seeing Them Not Hearing Them

Maximilian Riesenhuber, a neuroscientist and faculty mentor of the Interdisciplinary Program of Neuroscience (IPN) program at Biomedical Graduate Education, Georgetown University…

March 24, 2015