Georgetown Experts Are Editors of New Regulatory Science Book

Three Georgetown faculty and an alumnus worked together to edit an authoritative guide to regulatory science, the field concerned with developing rules to protect public health and safety.
The new Introduction to Regulatory Science is “a bible of science policy,” said lead editor Tomoko Steen, professor and director of the M.S. in Biohazardous Threat Agents & Emerging Infectious Diseases (BHTA) and M.S. in Biomedical Science Policy & Advocacy (BSPA) programs.
“There was no book like this” before, Steen said. “It’s very useful for students to have a grasp of how regulatory science works.”
Released by Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Introduction to Regulatory Science includes chapters by professors, lawyers, think tank leaders, and government officials. Working with Steen as editors were Adjunct Instructor A. Alan Moghissi, a founding member of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and founder of the Institute for Regulatory Science (RSI); Professor Emeritus Richard Calderone, former chair of the Department of Microbiology & Immunology and former director of the BSPA program; and Nyle Hamidi (BSPA ‘18), who works as a policy and data analyst at the nonprofit Research Triangle Institute.