Federal Academic Alliance Scholarship

Supporting Our Community

Georgetown University recognizes the commitment and hopes of civil servants and students as they face reductions in the federal workforce and other governmental shifts. Our master’s programs will provide partial tuition scholarships to federal civil employees and contractors who were displaced from April 2024 to March 2025, and to alumni in the Georgetown undergraduate classes of 2023-2025.

Georgetown University Biomedical Graduate Education is a proud institutional partner of the Federal Academic Alliance program, providing scholarships to eligible federal employees across the country.

Alumni Rhea Bhatt and Michael Orange

Career Success

A BGE degree is a steppingstone to an impactful career in the public sector. Learn how our alumni are making a difference.

Alumni in the Public Sector

Civil servants will receive a 15% scholarship for eligible BGE master’s programs and certificate programs (excluding the Certificate in Advanced Biomedical Sciences with GMU) each academic semester. Recipients remain eligible to receive the scholarship for the duration of their academic program, as long as they remain employed by the federal government.

The Federal Academic Alliance Scholarship application is due 14 days after confirming your intent to enroll in an eligible master’s or certificate program. For example, if you confirm your intent to enroll on the 1st of the month, you must submit your scholarship application by midnight on the 15th of the month.

  1. Submit the online application to an eligible BGE master’s program or certificate program (excluding the Certificate in Advanced Biomedical Sciences with GMU).
  2. In the online application under the Application Details section, please select “Federal Government” from the menu in response to this question: Are you affiliated with or are you applying in conjunction with an organization or program listed below?
  3. Be admitted and confirm your intention to enroll.
  4. Submit the Federal Academic Alliance Scholarship Application within two weeks of confirming your intention to enroll in an eligible program. In this application, you will need to upload your Federal Leave and Earnings Statement certifying your employment with the Federal Government.

Note: Dependents and family members do not qualify for tuition benefits under this agreement.

If you have any questions regarding your Federal Academic Alliance Scholarship Application, please contact bgestudentservices@georgetown.edu.

Amelia Naik

Meet the Federal Academic Alliance Scholarship Recipients

Learn how our FAAS recipients are training to make a difference.

The Federal Academic Alliance Scholarship has been invaluable in my pursuit of higher education. By lessening the financial burden of attendance, this scholarship has allowed me to focus solely on my studies and my commitment to serving our country. I’m grateful for the support that empowers federal employees to deepen their subject matter experience, advance their skills and, in turn, give back to their communities and our nation.

2024 FAAS Recipient