Milanj Jackson

2015 Hoyas for Science Recipient
M.S. in Pharmacology
As a future physician, I want to provide my patients with not only excellent care, but I want them to be educated about what they are doing to their body.
What undergrad school are you from, and what was your major?
Hampton University, Bachelor of Science in Cellular and Molecular Biology
Why did you apply to Georgetown University?
I applied to Georgetown University because Ms. Goon and Dr. Wolfe came to Hampton University recruiting students. They informed us of the wonderful graduate degrees Georgetown offered in the biomedical field. But what interested me was that fact that Ms. Goon and Dr. Wolfe spoke so passionately about the programs. They expressed the opportunities each program offered and how students benefited. What made me choose Georgetown was not only the wonderful opportunities Georgetown offered me, but the quality of an education I would receive. I also appreciated that the class size was small because individual attention is needed especially when you are in upper level science classes.
What are you studying here at Georgetown University?
M.S. in Pharmacology
As a Hoyas for Science recipient, you were selected because your application to Georgetown “demonstrated a commitment to biomedical research and graduate studies at the Masters’ level.” What do you hope to accomplish here at Georgetown and/or what is your interest in biomedical research or graduate studies?
First, I would like to say that I am honored to be a student here at Georgetown! I am doing research under the supervision of Dr. Malkova who studies neural substrates of social and emotional behavior along with the role of the amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex in processing reward. This really interests me because I extremely interested in learning how the brain processes reward. I specifically would like to study how reward correlates and/or contributes to obesity, mainly in children. My ultimate goal is to one day be a physician. Therefore, as a future physician, I want to provide my patients with not only excellent care, but I want them to be educated about what they are doing to their body. I strongly feel as though medical and nutritional education are important in the African American community since we are faced with the highest obesity rate in America, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
Please share an interesting fact about yourself.
My parent’s names are Michael and Janet Jackson.