Archive: Announcements

423 Articles


New MS in Integrative Neuroscience to Focus on Research, Science Policy

This fall, a new master’s degree program at Georgetown will give students the opportunity to pursue advanced study in neuroscience while gaining experience in research or…

March 13, 2017


Researcher Focused on Reversing Stroke-Induced Brain Damage Wins Neurology Prize

Peter Turkeltaub, M.D., Ph.D., assistant professor of neurology and rehabilitation medicine, and director of the Cognitive Recovery Lab, has been chosen by an international…

March 10, 2017


Georgetown Readies the Launch of a New Biomedical PhD Program

We are launching a new program in PhD in Biostatistics. We are currently accepting.…

February 10, 2017


BGE Rings in the New Year

Chinese New Year Celebration. Over 150 students, faculty, and staff participated in the event to celebrate the Year of the.…

February 6, 2017


Faculty Spotlight: Sona Vasudevan

Dr. Sona Vasudevan, our Program Director in MS in Systems Medicine made the Faculty!…

February 3, 2017


Fall 2016 Biotechnology Internship Poster Presentation

The diversity of respective internships for the 2016 graduating class is reflected in the range of poster titles during the fall poster presentations: the capstone experience for…

December 12, 2016


2016 Hoyas Biomedical Academic Scholarship Recipients

Get to know the 2016 recipients of the DMV Scholarship! Learn about their academic interests and a few quirky facts about each of these talented.…

October 19, 2016

BGE Scholarship Recipients
Student Profiles

Gianna Shipp

"I am excited to grow academically and personally along with the opportunity to interact with the diverse student body and.”…

October 10, 2016

BGE Scholarship Recipients
Student Profiles

Keira Williams

“As a prospective physician, I think that it is important to engage in a range of medically related experiences that will expose me to the various aspects of healthcare, and…

October 9, 2016

Student Profiles

Andrew Grand-Pierre

"My professors gave me the tools to be able to speak with CEOs and founders of companies with."…

September 19, 2016