BGE Scholarship Recipients
Student Profiles

Melanie Revollo

Melanie Revollo

2023 Hoyas for Science Recipient

M.S. in Physiology

I strive to obtain a leadership position or membership in student organizations to further promote diversity and inclusion.

About Melanie

Melanie Revollo is from Virginia. Before coming to Georgetown Biomedical Graduate Education, she earned a B.S in Biochemistry from Virginia Tech.

How do you support diversity and cultural understanding?

As a Latina, the lack of diversity in STEM was always intimidating. Therefore, I strive to obtain a leadership position or membership in student organizations to further promote diversity and inclusion.

What motivates you?

I have witnessed the cultural and language barriers the Latinx community faces in healthcare at a very young age. This has fueled my motivation to become a physician and increase that small percentage of Latinx physicians in the U.S.

What do you want to do after earning your degree?

After earning my degree in physiology, I will be applying to medical school. So far, I do not feel too strongly about a specialty, but I’m leaning more towards a specialty with long-term patient relationships like OBGYN or oncology.

If you could meet one scientist, who would you want to meet and why?

I would love to meet Emmanuelle Charpentier, who, along with Jennifer Doudna, invented CRISPR-Cas9. They developed extraordinary gene editing technology which can enable future medical breakthroughs.

2023 Hoyas for Science
BGE Scholarship Recipients
M.S. in Physiology & Biophysics