Archive: M.S. in Health Informatics & Data Science

4 Articles


Researchers Explore Resilience at 3rd Annual Healthy Aging Symposium

More than 100 scientists from across Georgetown and other universities came together to share aging research in presentations, panel discussions and.…

July 10, 2024


Maryland Tech Council Collaboration Invites Professionals to BGE Programs

Members of the Maryland Tech Council (MTC), the largest technology and life sciences trade association in the state, can save on tuition for Biomedical Graduate Education…

September 21, 2023

BGE Scholarship Recipients
Student Profiles

Sydney N. Ogden

"I saw this as the perfect opportunity to shift my focus toward health."…

September 19, 2023

BGE Scholarship Recipients
Student Profiles

Shania Jafri

"I find myself looking closely at the communities I am from and not from, hoping to find meaning in every interaction I."…

September 18, 2023