Archive: Announcements

417 Articles


From 7 Page CV to Single Page Resume

Find tips for creating an industry resume highlighting your most relevant experience and skill.…

May 23, 2018


Inaugural Postdoctoral Research Showcase Symposium

GUPDA held the first postdoc-focused research symposium at Georgetown University. Main campus and medical center postdocs showcased their hard work through oral and poster…

May 23, 2018


BGE Graduates Praise Program’s Faculty

Feelings of excitement and triumph filled the air on May 18, as Biomedical Graduate Education (BGE) students attended commencement and a reception to celebrate their success with…

May 21, 2018


Transforming Medicine Through Technology

MinION is reshaping the field of medicine and on April 26, 2018, Georgetown University’s Systems Medicine master’s students were the first cohort to experience this technical…

May 8, 2018

Alumni Profiles

Samantha Platt

Samantha Platt, an MS in Clinical and Translational Research alumni, recounts her journey at Georgetown and offers advice to current.…

May 1, 2018


Biomed Virtual Grad School Fair

Join us online on April 26, 2018 from 10:00am - 2:00pm to learn more about our biomedical!…

April 10, 2018


How to Receive Strong Letters of Recommendation for Graduate School

Find tips and strategies for requesting strong letters of recommendation for graduate.…

April 3, 2018


Writing an Effective Personal Statement for PhD Graduate Programs

Personal statements should be a reflection of your academic skills, success, and.…

March 20, 2018


Hillary Stires, Ph.D.

Hillary Stires, PhD, Tumor Biology T32 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, shares her postdoc experience and research.…

March 20, 2018

Student Profiles

Alison Schug

Alison Schug, M.S. in Integrative Neuroscience candidate, followed her passion to understand developmental disorders and it led her to the field of neuroscience. Her story doesn…

March 16, 2018