Archive: Tumor Biology

39 Articles

External Fellowship & Award Recipients
Student Profiles

Deanna Tiek

Deanna Tiek received the prestigious NCI F99/K00 Transition Award. Congratulations!…

October 31, 2018

External Fellowship & Award Recipients
Student Profiles

Sarah Martinez Roth

Sarah Martinez Roth received the (Diversity NRSA F31) 2018 Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research from the National…

October 31, 2018

External Fellowship & Award Recipients
Student Profiles

Shannon White

Shannon White received the 2018 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. Congratulations!…

October 3, 2018

External Fellowship & Award Recipients
Student Profiles

Alana Lelo

Alana Lelo received the 2018 Mistletoe Fellowship. Congratulations!…

September 28, 2018

External Fellowship & Award Recipients
Student Profiles

Max Kushner

Max Kushner received the 2018 NCI funded F31 National Research and Mistletoe Research Fellowship. Congratulations!…

September 18, 2018


Hillary Stires, Ph.D.

Hillary Stires, PhD, Tumor Biology T32 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, shares her postdoc experience and research.…

March 20, 2018

External Fellowship & Award Recipients
Student Profiles

Eric Berens, Ph.D. Candidate in Tumor Biology

“[This fellowship] is an incredible opportunity for those fortunate to be selected — and we, the recipients, must ensure that the money invested in our training is well.…

October 19, 2017

External Fellowship & Award Recipients
Student Profiles

Stephen DeVito, Ph.D. Candidate in Tumor Biology

2017 National Cancer Institute (NCI) Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Transition Fellowship (F99/K00) Awardee “I would also like to say thank you to my amazing family, as well as to…

October 19, 2017

Student Profiles

Alana Lelo

MD/PhD in Tumor Biology
"After graduating from the MD/PhD program here at Georgetown, I plan to enter a residency…

August 24, 2016