Archive: Announcements

426 Articles


Bio3 Seminar Series for Fall 2013

The Bio3 Seminar Series meets every second and fourth Friday of the month, during the academic year, from 10:00-11:00 am in Warwick Evans Conference Room, Building D, 4000…

September 19, 2013


Scientific Method on Display at Student Research Day

Student Research Day 2013 was held July 10, giving graduate students a forum to showcase their research pursuits. This year, students presented 27 posters in the Preclinical…

July 16, 2013


A Modern Day Virus Hunter

First there was SARS, now there is MERS, a virus called a “threat to the entire world.” GUMC’s Daniel Lucey, MD, MPH, is trying to help the infectious disease community…

July 3, 2013


Exposure to Space Radiation Reduces Ability of Intestinal Cells to Destroy Oncoprotein

WASHINGTON — Two studies funded by NASA and presented at the AACR Annual Meeting 2013 help explain why space radiation may increase the risk of colorectal cancer in.…

June 20, 2013


Brain Imaging Study Eliminates Differences in Visual Function as a Cause of Dyslexia

A new brain imaging study of dyslexia shows that differences in the visual system do not cause the disorder, but instead are likely a.…

June 6, 2013


“Different Kind of Stem Cell” Possesses Attributes Favoring Regenerative Medicine

WASHINGTON -- A research team at Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center say the new and powerful cells they first created in the laboratory a year ago constitute a new…

April 17, 2013


NSF Fellowships go to Neuroscience Graduate Students, Two Alumni

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has named two current students and two alumni of Georgetown as 2013 graduate.…

April 16, 2013


IPN Continues Tradition of Producing NSF Fellows

Two Interdisciplinary Program for Neuroscience (IPN) students at Georgetown have been named graduate fellows by the National Science Foundation. They are among 15 percent of…

April 10, 2013


Difficulty in Recognizing Faces in Autism Linked to Performance in a Group of Neurons

Neuroscientists at Georgetown University Medical Center (GUMC) have discovered a brain anomaly that explains why some people diagnosed with autism cannot easily recognize—…

March 18, 2013


Series of Studies First to Examine Acupuncture’s Mechanisms of Action

In a series of studies at Georgetown University Medical Center (GUMC), researchers are demonstrating how acupuncture can significantly reduce the stress hormone response in an…

March 14, 2013